Sunday, February 13, 2011

UDL Checklist

UDL Checklist on MERLOT Lesson Plan here: Google Doc UDL Checklist

I found that a lot of features in my initial lesson plan were UDL friendly. In a multimedia project this tends to be the case more often than not. It's tough in a very short computer lab session to differentiate the instruction at the start of a lesson. I tend to "hope" that the visualization of the activity on the IWB, the interactivity (I get students to come up and manipulate the various objects) and my actual voice will get the initial, introductory message across.

Then the actual user interface of the website/software is tested. I am shocked more often than not at certain "educational" websites and software that are very inaccessible and hard to use for elementary school students. Thankfully Glogster is a very user-friendly website with a shallow learning curve.

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly correct. Multimedia lessons lend themselves well to UDL. Giving choices and allowing students to express themselves in their own way to show they understand the material is meaningful.
